Priory Picture Post # 15

Mahonia isn’t the prettiest shrub in the land.  Indeed, when I’ve speared my fingers for the umpteenth time on it’s dead leaves, I tend to be even more dismissive of it’s charms.

An easy and effective way to prettify it, is to do as I do and nick an idea from someone else.

At Great Dixter they grow the trickily named Clematis x triternata ‘Rubromarginata’ over mahonia.

It is a generous flowerer, putting on a fine show from July through to now – the end of September. 

And unlike many clematis, it smells wonderful.  Even a rain shower won’t diminish a beautiful, strong, almond scent.

Sorry.  I have had to start watermarking my photos – a step I’d hoped to avoid.  But I recently had the upsetting experience of finding one of my photos on another website and surprise, surprise my polite email of protest ignored.  I suppose I ought to be flattered and not just ANGRY.  
Hmm, The Angry Gardener – now, there’s an idea.

20 thoughts on “Priory Picture Post # 15

  1. I thrive on neglect Fay, so I don't mind in the least. And definitely resist handing over your first born (and your photos). I just don't like the look of my watermarks – they don't look professional enough to my eye. I shall need to find a better looking one.

    Bit Bothered Dave


  2. I've neglected you, I'm sorry (I'm sure you didn't mind). Post phd blog catch up. I may be here for some time. Gorgeous clematis even if the names a dyslexics nightmare.

    Been pondering the watermarking myself, not that I've knowingly had any photos borrowed without begging. Work meeting, mentioned I have a few *cough* botanical pictures which might help with a project. Chap wanted access to all my files, immediately, felt like being asked rather impolitely for my first born. Um, no. You're right to be a bit bothered. Your hard work. Flattering, if rude.



  3. I rather admire the geometry of mahonia, I must confess. Haven't yet decided whether one will be joining the ranks at our place. I do love that clematis scrambling through it, though. Well pinched idea, that. Will file that away somewhere for future appropriation meself.
    Bah and humbug to thievery. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


  4. Hi Ronnie, not that it's for me to say but you ought to go to Great Dixter if you can. I think you're in Worthing aren't you – so it's not that very far especially if you combine it with a visit to Sissinghurst or Batemans or Scotney. A great day out!



  5. Hi David, something has to cover Mahonia, a plant I don't like, it has a peculiar smell too. It is a very pretty clematis. Great Dixter, I am ashamed to admit is one garden I am always planning to visit but still have not go there… no excuse either. I watermark most of my pics now except the rubbish ones, people are welcome to them if they want them! I would't know how to find out if they have been pinched. R


  6. That's a long old list you've got there, Janet. And getting longer ….. Sadly, I must tell you that you're wrong re the mahonia. Sorry.

    Hmm, I realise that watermarking isn't a full solution and it's easy enough to crop them off. Pesky stately home owners. I shall alert the National Trust, that's what I shall do. I'm sure they'll sort it out. And please don't get cross. I'm cross enough for both of us.



  7. Hi Michael, I planted the clematis in the spring of this year and yes, it's foliage has looked great all year – without smothering the mahonia (or whatever else you might choose to grow it over). The earth-wide-wonder-net tells me that it can grow to 4 metres high but my mahonia is barely five foot high and is hardly swamped. I shall cut it back to a pair of buds 6 inches up off the ground in the spring. Does that help?

    Hope so



  8. Oh bother, why have I just discovered a beautiful clematis that apparently would be happy scrambling up our ugly conifer. I can't take it with me, so I can't justify buying it, but it has been added to the list… I will ignore your lack of love for the mahonia, which I am rather a fan of – except when I need to prune it…

    Sorry your photo got nicked. I am (a) not looking and therefore remain blissfully unaware if the same has happened to me and (b) hoping that by only putting up small versions of my photos they are less attractive to unscrupulous image thieves, whether stately home owners or not. Hope your blood-pressure subsides soon. If people really want to nick your photos they can always crop cleverly, unless you totally ruin the picture with a HUGE watermark. It's such arrogant behaviour. Bother, now I'm all cross…


  9. Give them time Mr K, give them time. It was only down to fluke that I found that my photo had been nicked – I'm afraid yours could already be and you wouldn't necessarily know it. Mahonia isn't really for me either – truth be told …

    Oooh Stacy, I don't know what that means! What's a short feed? I shall need to research that when I get in tonight. Need I worry? And yes, galling indeed.



  10. The mahonias I've come across have been the repens type, which aren't quite so ungainly and are serious workhorses as groundcover in dry shade. I've never had to garden around them, though, or I might not think so benignly of them. Planting the clematis must have earned you some hazard pay.

    Sorry to hear about the theft–it's just so galling. I ended up putting my blog on a short feed to escape the feed scrapers, but that's more of a “bot” thing and not quite so personal.

    I love, love, love that last photo.


  11. I'm jealous. No one's ever nicked one of my photos, and I can see why they wouldn't want to. All the same, it's so easy to credit the source at the least…. I imagine it's all part of the mentality which considers the internet 'free' – and on balance I would rather have it that way than to have people insisting on payment left right and centre….
    Mahonia is not for me. I hibernate in winter, so I would never appreciate it at its best.


  12. I guess, for some, it'll always be easier for someone to nick a photo rather than go out and take one themselves. If I had their address a mahonia cutting would be pretty low down on my list of things to send them!



  13. I watermark all my photo's too. I also make cards and my fellow bloggy pals have to watermark their wares as 'others' have actually been know to print off images of cards we've made & then stick them to a blank card & claim as their own!!! Send your 'thief' a Mahonia cutting in the post!!! Cheeky Blighter x


  14. Hi Papaver, thank you and welcome.

    The yellow flower fizz in the middle of winter just about secures it a place in the Priory garden, Boys. Just about, mind you, just about.

    Pretty feeble indeed, Faisal. Grrrr. LOL – I figured I was allowed to steal the clematis/mahonia idea as it was high-lighted in a Dixter course I attended! Otherwise, I wouldn't dream of nicking planting ideas from gardens I visit. Cough.


  15. Dave, I'm sorry to hear someone, not just the Mahonia, has been taking a stab at you. I don't get it, myself…it's a pretty feeble thing to do.
    What I know of Mahonia – which isn't much – is that it can look a bit leggy, so dressing it up in Clematis sounds like an excellent visual solution. And at least you're honest about your sources.


  16. You got me all confused (and excited) for a minute there, I thought it was a mahonia hybrid/cross with different blooms, lol!

    Mahonia earns its keep during winter, and can be a great back bone to any garden or border 🙂


  17. Ah, yes Janet – just did a search for the angry gardener. Damn, thought I was on to a winner. How's about The Angry Anxious Gardener? I realise that the watermark can be cropped off by unscrupulous stately home owners but short of watermarking over the centre of the image I can't see that there's a foolproof answer. And were I to cover the centre of the image with watermarks, well I might as well not bother. I shall just choose to be flattered!



  18. What a novel idea, Dave even if it is someone elses. The clematis photos are stunning. Very unusual clematis.
    I was told by a stately home owner about her nicking photos from other web sites and just cropping the name off. She was quite smug about it… you'll be glad to hear that I was very disapproving…..


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