Eastward Ho!

It’s the elephants.

I am incredibly excited about my trip but if it wasn’t for elephants, I wouldn’t be going.

I really wouldn’t.

And next? Well, seeing no immediate reason to abandon my student-y ways and get a proper job, I’ve decided to take a gap year… or rather a gap month and a half.

And for that, I am, as Kim Wilde would have it, flying to Cambodia.

I’m volunteering for three weeks at an elephant project in the mountainous jungle of eastern Cambodia. It’ll be amazing to be living in real jungle rather than …

My Garden

…a make believe Gloucestershire version. I’m looking forward to seeing tropical birds, tropical insects, reptiles, plants and flowers almost as much as I am the elephants.

Yes, I am.

And after volunteering at the elephant sanctuary, I shall look about me, rub my chin, and do a little solo travel before meeting up with my brother to travel a bit more.

I was planning on taking my laptop in order to write and blog… when not snuggling elephants, of course. But that has proven too heavy to lug on my back through rain forest – along with six weeks worth of other stuff. But I am packing my camera and, if possible whilst at the project and on the hoof, I hope to share pictures of what I see on Instagram. (If you don’t follow me already on Insta, there’s a link to my account on this page – or a quick search will find me.)

And if you’re wondering about my whole elephant obsession thing. Well, we all have obsessions and particular loves, I guess. Mine just happens to be elephants. Always has been. Maybe it was kicked off by Dumbo, maybe it was Colonel Hathi, maybe… pfft, who knows what it was. A trip to a zoo’s elephant house as a toddler? Whatever, but given the opportunity, how can I not grab the chance to work amongst, touch, smell and care for elephants?

I mean. We’re talking about bloody ELEPHANTS for goodness sake.

30 thoughts on “Eastward Ho!

  1. Embracing the enchantment of elephants! From childhood whimsies to caring for these majestic beings—passion and connection at its finest.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. There’s something missing in writing that has no exploration in it. As a kid, I thought that if I read other people’s poetry it would somehow make mine less authentic, but I had no experience to draw from and so my poetry was terrible! As in poetry, so in life. When we only know our own experience we are denying ourselves expansion, and creative writing needs as much expansion as one can have. You’re already a natural writer, so the boost all these life experiences provide is a bonus. Vicariously through you, T

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for this Tiffany and apologies for the delay in replying – I was still in Cambodia until a few days ago.

      A lack of life experience for the youngsters on my creative writing degree was certainly a problem, especially during an autobiography module! Other than their school days, they struggled to find anything to write about, understandably.

      I think stepping outside of our comfort circle can be difficult and frightening but so very rewarding… at least for me. And I am so glad I did so. I had an amazing time in the far east and met some remarkable people (& indeed remarkable elephants). I relished the challenge and I’m already wondering whether I can volunteer elsewhere for a couple of weeks in the future.

      All the best, David


  3. Congratulations on the First Class Degree, David. I didn’t expect anything less, of course. I always enjoy reading your written words. Have a wonderful time with all those elephants. Safe travels. Lorna x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You got a First? Absolutely fantastic. That’s brilliant. Although I expected nothing less of course. What a great result and when’s the graduation? We need to see the photos…

    Hope you have a really lovely time in Cambodia and keep us posted on your adventures.


    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congrats on your degree – brilliant! What an exciting trip to be doing. Don’t want to sound too old-fashioned, but a little notebook and pen for scribbling some key words? Can’t break down And we’ll all look forward to your tales of Elephants, jungles and adventures to cheer up the long dark evenings ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hehe. Sound advice re the notebook – it’s already packed (along with 2 pens!). I’ve been working on a book this summer and I really wanted to polish what I’ve written – hence taking the laptop. Ne’er mind. As you say, I shall scribble away instead. And take photos! The book must wait till I get back in November.


  6. I just found you on Instagram, what a treat after a miserable day. Cambodia is breathtaking, very jealous you get to go there, we’ve been for a few weeks in 2010 and have been missing it ever since. Enjoy your journey!


  7. Congrats on completing your degree, with honours, no less… kudos! Have a wonderful trip and I look forward to reading of your adventures. btw, I didn’t see an instagram link??


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