Flowering Lithops

It was only as I was damping down one of the greenhouses

DSM_7626that I noticed the flowers.

DSM_7649For most of the year, my lithops sit in their pots like well behaved little pebble plants or living stones (their other names).

DSM_7644But in autumn, having spent several months doing very little, their time in the limelight has arrived.

DSM_7642The flowers are exquisite

DSM_7635and each one lasts a few days.

DSM_7630Lithops need very little care:


April 2012

I start watering when the new leaves appear through the old shriveled pair in spring; carry on once or twice a week till autumn and then stop completely over winter.  They need a sharp-draining compost mix and a hot, sunny windowsill or greenhouse.

DSM_7651Just don’t forget about their brief moment of glory (as I almost did).

It is quite worth the wait.

25 thoughts on “Flowering Lithops

  1. Pingback: Movin’ on up « sorta like suburbia

  2. Those must be the neatest, best displayed, healthiest pebbles I’ve ever seen. Others may not be overly fond of lithops but I love them and finally got my first one this spring. I can only hope it does as well, but I’ll be satisfied if it manages to stay alive. Love the pictures as well as the subjects.


  3. Uuterly charming flowers erupting from decidely curious source. I have promised myself that once I have what I can call an established garde, rather than a giant jigsaw of projects, I will grow pretty things in the greenhouse. Definitely lots of interesting pelargoniums, plus alpines. Now, plus these There is something special about a plant that spends most of the year looking so weird before erupting with such pretty flowers. Wonder if I will manage to find the bookmark when I get around to that phase?!


  4. Hi Dave,
    they DO look like a bit of old shoe or an unwanted donor organ, but they also look like there’s a promise in there waiting for the right moment to tell you otherwise. I’m amazed you can get them to grow at all in the UK – testament to your rare skill with all things green and growing.


  5. Whilst I like lots of succulents these have never appease but seeing yours in flower I may be persuaded otherwise. Might keep an eye out for some.


  6. I’ve never seen them flower before, they are beautiful. Unfortunately, I do not have a window sill. I think this is common in French houses, the window sills are outside. I do miss window sills and airing cupboards.


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