Blooming Priory 2

At this time of year the light is a hindrance.  Whilst trying to work, I’m constantly having to stop and admire a particular plant,
Osmanthus x burkwoodii.  Fantastic shrub, tough as old boots and superb strong scent

combination of plants,

Queen of Night tulips with cherry and pear blossom

or a certain scene. How can I be expected to get any work done?

One of two Amelanchier in the garden.  This, the larger, is up against a corner of the house.

This is just a quick post to show off some of the colour and light at this superb time of the Sussex year.

Primula denticulata – a hangover from my time working in an Alpine nursery.  I’ve got loads of them.  Easy to propagate (split ’em) and in a range of colours.  What’s not to like?

As I’m working, I have to make a mental note of what to come back to and take a picture of during my breaks.

Bluebells, primula and violets cluster around the base of the oak stump, east lawn.

Over in the flower meadow daffodils are still blooming.

I would post more photo’s (taken today) but very annoyingly have left my camera-to-PC-cable at the Priory.
I spent quite a lot of time in late winter digging up and transplanting forget-me-nots (of which I didn’t think there was enough of at the Priory).
Forget-me-nots with tulip bakeri


At last, the big beech hedge that runs along most of the western  and southern boundaries of the garden is turning to leaf.  Strange how just a small bit at a time finds the courage to go for it, whilst the rest holds back.
Peep over the garden boundary and you can admire Margaret’s hedge boundaries.  The blackthorn here is still in flower, though as the hedges are cut annually the blossom isn’t as exuberant as the blackthorn show going on in the garden.
And finally, no flowers but the green in this shot just makes me want to rub my face in it.  Ill advised as that would be – in the foreground is stinging nettle and goosegrass.  Margaret’s new lambs and mothers are feeding in the far field.

9 thoughts on “Blooming Priory 2

  1. Hi Stacy, it sure beats the office I used to work in.

    Hi Holley, yes indeed – constantly distracted by something.

    Hillwards, good luck with the new beech hedging. I planted loads last year at the Priory – fingers crossed the majority survived the winter. I know some didn't. I think many of those planted in my own garden have succumbed to the lack of rain.

    Thanks Charlotte

    and Shirl, you're perfectly entitled to pick a favourite and Q of N is an excellent choice.

    You're very welcome here Alice and thanks for your kind comments.



  2. David,
    Your post is altogether transporting…
    Blossoming trees and 'Queen of the Night' Tulips – a particularly breathtaking combination.
    As to working alone, I understand quite well, having chosen professions where I've worked on my own most all the time. Pros and cons to life's choices.
    Look forward to keeping watch on the Priory .. over your shoulder:~D


  3. Hello David, this post alone distracted me the other day when I followed a link here. Thanks for adding my link to your blog list 😀

    What stunning images you have here. I love your compositions especially but then again you have excellent subjects to choose from 😉 This looks, a very, very nice place to ‘work’ 😀

    I really shouldn’t pick a fav but as Queen of the night (planted up in a pot by a friend for my birthday) is sitting waiting to flower that did catch my eye more. I’ll be back 😀


  4. Stunning. Hard to believe you get any work done with all that around you 😉 I love the QOTN tulips against the pale blossom – and the forget me nots and tulip bakeri together have Easter written all over them. Or possibly through the centre, like a stick of rock.
    Little bold patch of green on the beech hedge – our newly planted beech hedge is reluctantly opening its shiny buds to reveal fluff … fingers crossed the leaves peek out soon. The mature tree in our garden is no further advanced, so all seems well…


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